Testing Requirements for 5th Gup - Blue Stripe
1. Verbal or written examination covering
Assuming that you are free-sparring, what is the...
A. Safest kick for you to
B. Most dangerous kick for
you to throw?
C. Best defensive hand positioning?
D. Best counterattack for:
Back leg round kick? Forward punch? High spin hook kick?
E. Describe lateral escapes
from an attack
2. Basic Techniques
A. Upper Body Techniques
1. Kidney punch
2. Dropping punch
3. Vertical or horizontal
elbow strike to the rear
4. Cross stance back fistwith
the forward arm
B. Cha Gi Sul (kicking)
Combinations from back stance;
back leg front kick followed by back leg:
1. Axe kick - pivot out-to-in
or spin in-to-out
2. Round kick - pivot or
front leg
3. Side kick - pivot or
4. Hook kick - front leg,
pivot or spin
5. Front kick - pivot or
front leg
C. Combinations of blocking and kicking techniques
1. Low block / middle focus
front kick
2. Middle focus outside
block / face focus front kick
3. High block / low round
4. Low block / high round
5. Inside low block / spin
hook kick
6. Middle focus inside block
/ spin back kick
7. Inside low block / spin
step to rear, pivot round kick
8. Low cross block / high
cross block / front kick
3. Poomse (forms)
Tae Geuk Sa Chong
4. Hahn Bohn Gyo Roo Gi (one-step sparring)
Fifteen Advanced Combination Techniques
5. Jah Yoo Gyo Roo Gi (free sparing)
Free spar three rounds with different opponents
6. Hosinsool (self-defense)
A. Escape from head lock
B. Escape from full nelson
7. Breaking
Be prepared to break with one of the following combinations
A. Side chop / twist round kick
B. Front kick / side kick
C. Punch / axe kick