Husky Tae Kwon Do

Husky Tae Kwon Do


Husky Tae Kwon Do began in 1989 at Michigan Technological University. Our founding instructor, Grand Master Jonathan Henkel, is an 8th Dan in Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan. He started the club while commanding MTU's Army ROTC program as a Lieutenant Colonel. Our current instructor is Master Matthew Nagel (4th Dan).

Husky TKD is a member club of American Chung Do Kwan, Ltd. Over 120 black belt ranks have been awarded during Husky's history, and five of those were accompanied by the title of "Master." 

The club holds four rank testings each year, and members have the opportunity to participate in tournaments held across the country. In fact, Husky TKD has produced a handful of state and national competitors. 

Husky Tae Kwon Do, one of the largest student organizations at Michigan Tech, has received the "Student Organization of the Year" award four times since the award's creation in 1997. The club often puts on demonstrations, self-defense seminars, and fund raisers to benefit the college and surrounding communities. Our black belts and high-ranking students also run two physical education classes each semester for the University. 

Though generally attracting college students, the club has many community members of all ages. If you are interested in martial arts and are looking for fun workouts with a unique group of people, we encourage you to attend a few practices and get a feel for the club and Tae Kwon Do. No prior experience is needed. 

Contact Information

1400 Townsend Dr
Houghton, MI 49931
United States
Contact Email E:
This organization has no officers.