Testing Requirements for 4th Gup - Blue Belt
1. Verbal or written examination covering
A. What are the duties of a blue belt in your school
or club?
B. What is poomse?
1. Why practice poomse?
2. What is the purpose of
3. What are the benifits
of poomse practice?
C. What is the philosophy of the colors and symbols
within your patch?
2. Basic Techniques
A. Upper Body Techniques Combinations
1. Outside block / middle
2. Inside block / middle
3. Downward palm block /
middle punch
4. Right outside block /
right inside block / left punch
B. Cha Gi Sul (kicking)
Combination techniques from
a back stance beginning with a back leg
front kick followed by each
of the following using the back leg. The
second kick should begin
before the first kick comes to rest on the floor.
These could be condsidered
running kicks.
1. Front kick
2. Outside-to-inside axe
3. Inside-to-outside axe
4. Pivot hook kick
5. Pivot round kick
6. Spinning back kick
7. Spinning hook kick
8. PIvot or spinning side
3. Poomse (forms)
Tae Geuk Oh Chong
4. Hahn Bohn Gyo Roo Gi (one-step sparring)
Twenty Advanced Combination Techniques
5. Jah Yoo Gyo Roo Gi (free sparing)
Free spar three rounds with different opponents
6. Hosinsool (self-defense)
A. Bear hug from front
B. Bear hug from behind
7. Breaking
Be prepared to break with one of the following combinations
A. Twist round kick / punch
B. Jump front kick / skipping front kick
C. Axe kick / jump back kick